
But it’s not just about talking.
We’re taking action...

In a world facing complex social, economic, and environmental challenges, businesses are increasingly under pressure to adopt sustainable practices. Sustainability ROX is a new B2B strategic live event platform that is designed to help businesses in the UK achieve their Net Zero goals by providing them with the knowledge and resources they need to make a positive impact on the environment and the economy.

Guests and participants at Sustainability ROX will feature sector-leading businesses, senior level directors and founders, along with directors and senior managers from micro to global scale businesses.

At the live events, industry-leading businesses will present on their products and service solutions and will feature innovation competitions for investment.  ESG Practitioner sessions will run for businesses of all sizes to help refine and review their strategies.

There’ll also be multi-panel green growth leadership which will be held on multiple stages, alongside community collaboration networking cafes.

Details on how to register for the live events will be released in November. To join the force for good, opt-in here