National Recycling Week: Let’s Get Real: Tips for businesses

National Recycling Week: Let's Get Real: Tips for businesses

National Recycling Week is a great opportunity for businesses to show their commitment to sustainability and encourage their employees and customers to recycle more. This year’s theme is ‘Recycle Week: Let’s Get Real’, which focuses on educating people about the importance of recycling and how to do it correctly.

If you’re looking for some top tips to make sure your business is doing what it can, we’ve got a whole host of suggestions to get your business in to the green.

  1. Make it easy for your employees to recycle. Set up recycling bins in convenient locations throughout your office or workplace. Provide clear signage and instructions on what materials can be recycled.
  2. Educate your employees about recycling. Offer training sessions on the importance of recycling and how to do it correctly. This will help to reduce contamination and ensure that your recyclables are processed properly.
  3. Reduce your waste. The best way to reduce your environmental impact is to reduce the amount of waste you produce in the first place. This can be done by using reusable products, buying in bulk and composting food scraps.
  4. Recycle your e-waste. Electronic waste, such as computers, printers, and phones, contains hazardous materials that can pollute the environment. Recycle your e-waste properly by taking it to a certified e-waste recycling centre.
  5. Partner with a local recycling company. Many recycling companies offer services for businesses. They can pick up your recyclables on a regular basis and help you to develop a recycling program that meets your specific needs.


Recycling is just a small part of a business’s Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy. But it’s an important part nonetheless. It can conserve natural resources, reduce pollution, and save energy. For example, recycling aluminum cans saves 95% of the energy that would be used to make new cans from raw materials.

It makes sense from a financial perspective too saving costs and boosting the company’s reputation when it comes to sustainability. It can also pave the way for employees and customers to feel aligned with a brand that has core values that centre on protecting our planet.