Environmental targets for small UK businesses

Small UK businesses play a vital role in the UK economy, but they also have a significant environmental impact. In fact, small businesses account for around 20% of the UK’s total greenhouse gas emissions.

The UK government has set a number of ambitious environmental targets, including achieving net zero emissions by 2050. To achieve these targets, it is essential that small businesses take steps to reduce their environmental impact.

But are all small business owners aware of the targets that have been set?! Here’s a roundup of the key deliverables the Government have outlined for the UK in the coming years.

• Net zero emissions by 2050: The UK government has committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2050. This means that the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions must be balanced by carbon removals. Small businesses can contribute to this target by reducing their energy consumption, switching to renewable energy sources, and improving their energy efficiency.

• Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 78% by 2035: The UK government has set a target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 78% by 2035 compared to 1990 levels. Small businesses can contribute to this target by implementing the measures outlined above.
• Increasing renewable energy generation to 50% of electricity generation by 2030: The UK government has set a target to increase renewable energy generation to 50% of electricity generation by 2030. Small businesses can contribute to this target by installing renewable energy technologies, such as solar panels and wind turbines.

• Reducing waste by 50% by 2030: The UK government has set a target to reduce waste by 50% by 2030 compared to 2019 levels. Small businesses can contribute to this target by reducing their waste production, recycling more waste, and composting food scraps.

• Improving air quality: The UK government has set a number of targets to improve air quality, including reducing nitrogen oxide emissions by 54% by 2030 and particulate matter emissions by 24% by 2030. Small businesses can contribute to these targets by reducing their emissions from vehicles, plant, and equipment.

So if small businesses are going to help support these initiatives, where do they turn to for advice and guidance? There is a range of support and resources available, you just need to know where to find them.

• Business Energy Efficiency Programme (BEES): This government-funded programme provides free energy assessments and advice to small businesses.

• SME Climate Hub: This FSB website provides a range of resources and support to help small businesses reduce their carbon footprint.

• Carbon Trust: This non-profit organisation provides a range of services to help businesses reduce their carbon emissions.

• WRAP: This non-profit organisation provides a range of resources and support to help businesses reduce their waste production.

Still wondering how your small business can help tackle climate change? Check out our Sustainability ROX events and attend FOR FREE!